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Aboriginal foster care

Have you ever thought about becoming a foster carer?

Now’s the time to act!





AFSS is  seeking Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal foster carers across
South Australia.


Fostering could be the greatest challenge you’ll ever
undertake – and the most rewarding.


Finding out more is easy!


Don’t wait – you can make a real difference
to the lives of Aboriginal children


Simply fill out your details in the form on the right and we'll send you an

AFSS Step by Step foster carer's kit.


We look forward to hearing from you!


You can find out more about becoming an AFSS foster carer here.


Or why not check to see when there's an information session in your area?

Please fill out the "Subject" and "Message" fields below to ensure that our staff can assist you.

Remember to include your address and phone number so that we can send you the information you have requested!

Strong children, strong families. Stand with us - become a carer

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