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Strong children,
strong families.
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AFSS is a registered NDIS Provider
Click here to learn more about how we can help you!

About AFSS

If you would like to find out more about AFSS and the work that we do, please click the link below




Find out about the new AFSS' Child Protection Reform Community Engagement Project here.

For Carers

Already a carer?

Or would you like to find out more about the rewards and challenges of foster care?


Looking to work at AFSS? Just click on the button below to see our current job opportunities. For  additional salary benefits please click here.

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If you would like to access the AFSS Newsletter or other publications, please click on the button below.

AFSS Data Breach Response


At the end of 2023 AFSS experienced a data breach where personal details of our staff and community members may have been compromised. AFSS takes your rights to privacy and confidentiality extremely seriously, and we are urgently investigating the issue. Thank you for your understanding. 


Click here for more info






Access the Charter of Rights for Children and Young People here

Aboriginal Family Support Services  :   Head Office 134 Waymouth Street Adelaide SA 5000  :   Phone (08) 8205 1500  :   Email
ABN 82853278164

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